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Yet Ukraine's glory has not perished

Душуй тіло ми положим

Soul and body we give

— Ukrainian Hymn: variations and theme —

SATB Chorus, Clarinet, English horn, Bassoon, Timpani, Gong, Violin (I & II), Viola, Cello, Double Bass
Published: 27th of Mai 2023
Duration: ±12 Min.

ISBN: 9789461339980

Libretto: Ukrainian

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The Ukrainian National Anthem, "Shche ne vmerla Ukraina" (Yet Ukraine's glory has not perished), holds great significance not only in terms of its words and music but also in relation to the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The anthem's lyrics, written by Pavlo Chubynsky *), and the music composed by Mykhailo Verbytsky **), resonate deeply with the Ukrainian people and their struggle for independence and sovereignty ***).

The anthem's lyrics highlight the resilience and determination of the Ukrainian nation. They express a strong sense of national identity, emphasizing the will of the Ukrainian people to persevere through hardships and protect their homeland. The words evoke feelings of unity, patriotism, and the desire for freedom. In the current context of the war in Ukraine, the anthem serves as a poignant reminder of the country's fight for its territorial integrity and the preservation of its national identity.

The anthem's music, complements the powerful lyrics. The melody is uplifting and stirring, evoking a sense of pride and resilience. The harmonies and melodies capture the spirit of the Ukrainian people, symbolizing their unwavering determination to overcome adversity.
Besides being uplifting and poignant at the same time, the melody also conveys a deep sense of melancholy, partly because it is predominantly written in a minor key. This adds an extra layer of emotion that is not typically found in national anthems. An example is the first word, "Nog..." (Yet...). Therefore, I have given that word an additional significance in my composition.
Another phrase I stressed for the same reason is the first line of the refrain: "We give soul and body for our freedom." It precisely captures the determination and the ominous nature of the current situation.

Since 2014, Ukraine has been engaged in a conflict with Russia. This ongoing war has had a profound impact on the country and its people. The Ukrainian National Anthem has taken on even greater significance during this time, serving as a rallying cry and a symbol of resistance against external aggression. It represents the unity and courage of the Ukrainian people in the face of immense challenges.

The present war in Ukraine has had a devastating impact on the country. It has resulted in loss of life, displacement of people, and significant social and economic challenges. The anthem serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for peace, sovereignty, and the preservation of Ukrainian identity.

*) Pavlo Chubynsky wrote the anthem in the year 1862. Afterwards some minor changes were made to the text.
**) Mykhailo Verbytsky wrote the music to Chubinsky's poem in 1865.
***) The very first public performance of the anthem was in Lviv in the year 1864. After Ukraine was annexed in 1920 by the new Sovjet regime, the anthem was immediatedly banned as being too nationalistic and to suppress separatistic feelings in Ukraine. In 1992 the anthem music was adopted by the parliament as the official National Hymn of Ukraine and in 2003 the poem itself was adopted officially as well.


The lyrics

Ukrainian National Anthem

Ще не вмерла України і слава, і воля,
Ще нам, браття молодії, усміхнеться доля.
Згинуть наші воріженьки, як роса на сонці,
Запануєм і ми, браття, у своїй сторонці.

Рефрен (2x):
Душу й тіло ми положим за нашу свободу.
І покажем, що ми, браття, козацького роду.

In English

Yet Ukraine's glory has not perished, nor its freedom,
Fate will still smile upon us young brothers.
Our enemies will vanish like dew in the sun,
and we, brethren, shall reign in our own land.

Refrain (2x):
Soul and body we give for our freedom.
And we show that we, brethren, are of the Cossack family.

You can get an impression of the anthem with its variations below.

I advise you not to listen to the music via a mobile phone, tablet or laptop. That could turn out to be a disappointment, unless you use very good headphones. For a reasonably acceptable experience, a computer with a good sound system is required!

Please note:
This music is an electronic representation and is therefore not comparable to a human version! For example, one does not hear the words of the sung text by the choir, but only "aah" and "ooh". The instruments, on the other hand, are quite realistic thanks to the latest electronics. It remains, however, that the whole of the interpretation of the conductors/musicians is missing and therefore may sound somewhat sterile
© The complete copyright of the music (also this electronic version) has been deposited. This means that you can only listen but not use it nor partially, nor completely for your own purposes. Let alone that you use it for your own performances or productions. For citation rights please contact the publisher and the Buma/Stemra organization in the Netherlands.



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Site created by: © Galaxa Design - copying the site, or any part of the content, music or images is
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